Cepacol® Expands its Cold, Cough & Flu Range

Posted: 10 Jul 2023

Cepacol®, known for its sore throat lozenges and hot medicated drinks, has expanded its cold and flu range.

Now offering three new, innovative solutions to treat cold, cough, and flu symptoms, you can be sure you'll find the right product for your needs. 

We all know how debilitating it can be when cold and flu season hits. Battling a sore throat, cough, and other symptoms can impact productivity and general wellbeing.

However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average adult can catch two or three colds yearly. Furthermore, children may experience colds more often.1

Cold and flu symptoms

Cold and flu symptoms2 can range from a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat. They can also include fever, weakness, headache, loss of appetite, and aching muscles and joints. These symptoms can make even the most mundane tasks daunting.

Despite plenty of cold and flu medications that relieve individual symptoms, finding a comprehensive solution can be challenging. 

With this in mind, Cepacol® has introduced innovative products specially designed to provide swift and effective relief to cold and flu symptoms.

Now at last you can find the perfect solution for your symptoms in lozenges, throat spray, medicated drinks, and syrup.

All in one cold and flu medication

In addition to Cepacol® Throat Lozenges3 in four flavours (Regular, Honey & Lemon, Menthol, Blackcurrant), Cepacol® Throat Gargle4, and Cepacol® Medsip5, the new Cepacol® Cough & Cold range offers three more unique products. Each product is packed with multiple benefits.

  1. New Cepacol® Cough & Cold Syrup

Battling a persistent cough, congestion, or sore throat? New Cepacol® Cough & Cold Syrup6a offers a targeted and effective approach to managing cold and flu symptoms. 

Firstly, the ivy leaf and pelargonium formation provides much-needed cough relief. Secondly, it fights cold and flu symptoms with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. 

In addition, the non-drowsy formulation does not contain alcohol or sugar, and people can take it safely from the age of six.6b

  1. New Cepacol® Plus Cough & Cold Syrup

Cepacol® Plus Cough & Cold Syrup is designed to help relieve night-time cough. It contains a unique combination of ivy leaf,8, pelargonium, and valerian extract9.

Notably, pelargonium exhibits anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, while valerian extract demonstrates sleep support.

  1. Cepacol® Throat Spray

Cepacol® Throat Spray10 contains a powerful combination of ivy leaf, pelargonium, and menthol10 - a cooling agent that numbs the throat and temporarily relieves pain and discomfort11


In summary, when cold and flu season strikes, don't let it slow you down!

Cepacol® understands the debilitating effects of cold and flu season. What’s more, Cepacol®’s new, expanded range of cold, cough, and flu products offer an all-in-one solution to alleviate sore throat, cough, and other symptoms, helping you get back on the road to good health.

Say goodbye to the discomfort of a sore throat, cough, congestion, and other symptoms. Trust Cepacol® to provide you with the right tools to conquer cold, cough, and flu symptoms, so you can get back to feeling your best.

If you are feeling any cold or flu symptoms, no problem. There's a Cepacol® for that!

Cepacol®'s new range of products is now available at leading pharmacies and retailers nationwide. For more information, visit www.cepacol.co.za and join the conversation on Facebook.


1. Centers for disease control and prevention. Common colds: Protect yourself and others. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/features/rhinoviruses/index.html. Last accessed May 2023

2. Eccles R. Understanding the symptoms of the common cold and influenza. Lancet Infect Dis. 2005 Nov;5(11):718-25. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(05)70270-X. PMID: 16253889; PMCID: PMC7185637. Available from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7185637/. Last accessed May 2023 

3. CEPACOL® throat lozenges approved professional information, October 2014

4. CEPACOL® antibacterial throat gargle (solution) approved professional information, August 2005

5. CEPACOL® MEDSIP HONEY LEMON (POWDER) approved package insert, March 1993

6. CEPACOL® Cough and cold syrup approved professional information, February 2022

7. CEPACOL® Plus cough and cold syrup approved professional information, February 2022

8. Sierocinski E, Holzinger F, Chenot JF. Ivy leaf (Hedera helix) for acute upper respiratory tract infections: an updated systematic review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2021 Aug;77(8):1113-1122. doi: 10.1007/s00228-021-03090-Epub 2021 Feb 1. PMID: 33523253; PMCID: PMC8275562. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8275562/. Last accessed May 2023 

9. National Institutes of Health. Valerian. Available from: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Valerian-HealthProfessional/. Last accessed May 2023

10. CEPACOL® Throat Spray approved professional information, February 2022

11. Pergolizzi JV Jr, Taylor R Jr, LeQuang JA, Raffa RB; NEMA Research Group. The role and mechanism of action of menthol in topical analgesic products. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2018 Jun;43(3):313-319. doi: 10.1111 /jcpt.12679. Epub 2018 Mar 10. PMID: 29524352. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29524352/. Last accessed May 2023.

CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Menthol. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: /A40/16.4/0297.
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Regular. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Ref No: H1388 (Act 101 of 1965).
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Blackcurrant Flavour. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: 33/16.4/0492.
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Honey and Lemon Flavour. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: 33/16.4/0505.
 CEPACOL® MEDSIP HONEY LEMON (POWDER). Each 5 g sachet contains: Paracetamol 800 mg, Caffeine 50 mg, Ascorbic acid 10 mg.: 27/5.8/0508.
 CEPACOL® MEDSIP GINGER (POWDER). Each 5 g sachet contains: Paracetamol 800 mg, Caffeine 50 mg, Ascorbic acid 10 mg.: Y/5.8/10.
CEPACOL® Cough and Cold Syrup. Each 5 ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 150 mg, Hedera helix 5 mg.
CEPACOL® Plus Cough and Cold Syrup. Each 5 ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 150 mg, Hedera helix 5 mg, Valerianae officinalis L12 mg. Category D: Complementary Medicine. Discipline Specific: D33.6 Western Herbal Medicine. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.
CEPACOL® Throat Spray. Each ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 140 mg, Hedera helix 40 mg, Menthol crystals 0,09 mg, Eucalyptus globules 0,45 mg and Syzygium aromaticum 0,3 mg. Category D: Complementary Medicine. Discipline Specific: D33.6 Western Herbal Medicine. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.
CEPACOL® Effervescent. Each tablet contains Ascorbic acid (VitaminC) 500mg, Zinc citrate3-hydrate 39,2mg providing 12,4mg elemental zinc, Hedera helix 35mg. Pelargonium sidiodes12,5mg, Vitamin A acetate (VitaminA) 379 μg RAE, Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 250IU, Category D: Complementary Medicine. Discipline Specific: D33.7 Combination Product. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.

For full prescribing information refer to the professional information approved by the medicines regulatory authority.
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www.adcock.com. 2023032710267652 March 2023.

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