Why Rest Is Best When Fighting a Cold or Flu

Posted: 21 Sep 2023

If you're fighting a common cold or flu, getting enough rest is essential for your body to heal. Cepacol® recognises the importance of giving your immune system a chance to fight back and recover from illness.  Cepacol® also knows that any disruption of sleep can have a negative impact on how quickly you can get well.1a 

Sleep deprivation impairs your chances of making a full recovery by interfering with the normal functioning of the immune system1b.

Read on to learn about the many advantages of ensuring sufficient rest while battling a cold or flu.

Boost The Immune System

Rest is crucial for maintaining a robust immune system. When you sleep, your body produces and releases infection-fighting substances like cytokines, which help combat illnesses. Sufficient rest allows your immune system to work efficiently, ensuring a faster recovery1a.

Speed Up Recovery

Resting allows your body to direct its energy towards fighting off viruses.  Sleep conserves resources that would otherwise be used for daily activities, enabling your immune system to concentrate on healing and repairing damaged cells. Getting enough rest gives your body the time and energy it needs to recover more quickly2.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Did you know adults who typically sleep for five or six hours each night are four times more prone to catching a cold than those who get at least seven hours of sleep3a

Individuals who experience insufficient sleep exhibit heightened levels of inflammation, possibly linked to the increased susceptibility to colds3b.

How the Cepacol® Cough & Cold Range Can Provide Relief

Cepacol® understands the daily needs of individuals experiencing cold or flu symptoms, so they have developed comprehensive solutions. 

With various cold and flu medication available, such as throat lozenges, throat sprays, medicated drinks, and syrups, Cepacol® makes it convenient to find the perfect solution for your needs.

The Cepacol® Cough & Cold range now includes new Cepacol® Plus Cough & Cold Syrup4, specifically designed for night-time to combat coughing. The cough syrup has a unique herbal formulation combining ivy leaf, pelargonium, and valerian extract, providing you with the necessary sleep support and cough relief while dealing with a nasty cough and cold.  

So, if you're dealing with cold, cough, or flu symptoms, there's a Cepacol® for that!

Cepacol®'s new range of products is now available at leading pharmacies and retailers nationwide. For more information, visit www.cepacol.co.za and join the conversation on Facebook.


1. Sleep Foundation. How sleep affects immunity. Available from: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/physical-health/how-sleep-affects-immunity. Last accessed May 2023. 

2. Restonic. Why sleep is a powerful weapon against the flu. Available from: https://restonic.com/blog/sleep-powerful-weapon-flu. Last accessed May2023.

3. NPR. Sleep more, sneeze less: Increased slumber helps prevent colds. Available from: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/09/01/436385137/aim-for-at-least-7-hours-of-sleep-nightly-to-fend-off-a-cold. Last accessed May 2023.

4. CEPACOL® Plus cough and cold syrup approved professional information, February 2022

CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Menthol. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: /A40/16.4/0297.
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Regular. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Ref No: H1388 (Act 101 of 1965).
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Blackcurrant Flavour. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: 33/16.4/0492.
CEPACOL® Throat Lozenges Honey and Lemon Flavour. Each lozenge contains: Cetylpyridinium chloride 1,47 mg and Benzyl alcohol 6,5 mg. Reg. No.: 33/16.4/0505.
 CEPACOL® MEDSIP HONEY LEMON (POWDER). Each 5 g sachet contains: Paracetamol 800 mg, Caffeine 50 mg, Ascorbic acid 10 mg.: 27/5.8/0508.
 CEPACOL® MEDSIP GINGER (POWDER). Each 5 g sachet contains: Paracetamol 800 mg, Caffeine 50 mg, Ascorbic acid 10 mg.: Y/5.8/10.
CEPACOL® Cough and Cold Syrup. Each 5 ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 150 mg, Hedera helix 5 mg.
CEPACOL® Plus Cough and Cold Syrup. Each 5 ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 150 mg, Hedera helix 5 mg, Valerianae officinalis L12 mg. Category D: Complementary Medicine. Discipline Specific: D33.6 Western Herbal Medicine. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.
CEPACOL® Throat Spray. Each ml contains Pelargonium sidiodes 140 mg, Hedera helix 40 mg, Menthol crystals 0,09 mg, Eucalyptus globules 0,45 mg and Syzygium aromaticum 0,3 mg. Category D: Complementary Medicine. Discipline Specific: D33.6 Western Herbal Medicine. This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.

For full prescribing information refer to the professional information approved by the medicines regulatory authority. Adcock Ingram Limited Co. Reg. No. 1949/034385/06. Private Bag X69, Bryanston, 2021, South Africa.Tel. +27 11 635 0000. www.adcock.com. 2023032710267652 March 2023.

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